Cajun & Zydeco Bands andere EU landen

Cajun Gumbo Norway
(Arve Haaland’s) Cajun Gumbo (Noorwegen)
Arve Haaland’s Cajun Gumbo werd opgericht in 1993 en de band heeft in de loop der jaren een reputatie verworven als de meest aansprekende Noorse Cajun / Zydecoband.In hun eerste jaar verschenen zij in de Noorse TV-serie « Roots-93 ».Vanaf die tijd zijn zij de favoriete band op vele prestigieuze festivals, zoals het Notodden Blues Festival, het Telemark Folk Festival, het Blues en Rootsfestival in Bergen, het Skagen Festival (Denemarken) en vele anderen.In april van dit jaar zijn zij gecontracteerd om op het Noordzee Festival van Trondheim te spelen en in juni kijken zij uit naar de exotische ervaring om te spelen op een festival in een klein vissersdorpje in het noorden van Noorwegen. Verder spelen zij in augustus voor de 8e opeenvolgende keer op het Haugesund « Sildajazz » festival.#
Het reportoire loopt van traditionele Cajun muziek tot moderne funky Zydeco. Met hun harmonieuze zang, de cajun accordeon, piano en guitaar, ondersteund door een solide ritme-sectie, is het horen van de band tijdens een live-optreden een buitengewoon opwindende gebeurtenis.In 1999 bracht de band een CD uit, met de titel « Heit Gumbo ». De CD ontving goede kritiek in het Engelse blad « Cajun Times ». Ook kwamen 2 nummers van de CD op een Duits dubbelalbum: getiteld « Cajun en Zydeco uit Europa ».Arve speelt ook in de Scandinavische band « Cajun du Nord ». Met deze band won hij de « Prijs buiten categorie » van de Cajun muziek Prijs 2001. En dit voor de beste productie in het jaar 2000 van Cajun muziek van buiten Lousiana.De band bestaat uit:Arve Haaland zang, cajun-accordeon, 3-rijen accordeon
Christian Oevreaas zang, piano, harmonica
Bjørn Tore Aasheim guitaar, slide-guitaar, zang
Kjell Madsen bas, zang
Gunnar Bergstroem drums
Cajun Gumbo 
RUBENS BAND Poland … is probably the only one ( so the best :o) ) Zydeco group in Poland. Group was established in year 2002 in Ruda Slaska by fascinated with southern american music, singer and talented self-educated accordion player – Miroslaw Grabowski.Main inspiration for the band is Zydeco – mix of country and blues from Louisiana, but as well as those above in RUBENS BAND music you can find traces of funk, rock and swing. Music played by those musiscians is rythmic and melodious, what makes it perfect for huge stages as well as for small cameral concert.The group has played on most importent blues, country and folk festivals in Poland (for example: Piknik Country – Mrągowo, Wiśliczek Country – Wisła, Bluestracje – Chorzów, Improvisation Music Festival – Chorzów). In 2003 problem with people in the band was finally sorted, and RUBENS BAND recorded theirs first album – « W KRAINIE BAYOU » (« IN THE LAND OF BAYOU »).After the next personal changes in the group, in spring 2008 to leader Miroslaw « Rubens » Grabowski and guitarist Pawel « Paulos » Górnioczek joined bassist Sobiesław « Sobass » Pawlikowski and drummer Błażej « Zbarzin » Chwieralski – creating great rythmic section for the group. RUBENS BAND 
Cajun Du Nord Denmark
Cajun and Zydeco music originate in Louisiana, USA. French immigrants settled here after having been expelled from Canada in 1755. The Cajun people lived fairly isolated in the swamp areas until recently, and the French language is still spoken by many. That’s the background for the original folk music that is so much alive to-day. The music has influenced lots of modern music within folk, rock and country.In the beginning of Cajun music black and white people played together and influenced each other. The music of the blacks with jazz and blues background developed into the style called Zydeco. The Nordic group CAJUN du NORD has specialized in Cajun and Zydeco music, and has learned in the traditional manner by playing and practicing together with Cajun and Zydeco musicians. They appeared for the first time at the Tønder Festival in 1991, and the coorperation across the borders of the four countries is still going strong. Their stage performance vibrates with vitality and enthusiasm. It will shake your socks off!!!
CAJUN du NORD is:Elsebeth Krogh Denmark (fiddle, vocals, washboard) had spent large parts of the wintertime in Louisiana since 1984, when she finished music school. She played Cajun music professionally all over Europe, has written a book about Cajun music, and has organized and conducted Cajun workshops, music classes and trips to Louisiana. Known as Cajun Mama.
Harald Aanes Norway (drums) is known in his home country from the group Bygg Band, that for 10 years was the only Cajun/Zydeco band in Norway. Besides Harald has long experience working in blues, jazz- and folk music bands. Elsebeth Krogh contacted him in 1985, and together they made the foundation for the Nordic project.Göran Lomaeus Sweden (bass, vocals) was since 1974 a member of Blue Grass Swedes, the leading bluegrass-band in Sweden, and other than that he is a busy studio musician and songwriter. Nowadays he tours regularly with Matts Rådberg, well-known Country artist. He met and joined Cajun du Nord at an American folk music festival in Stockholm in 1992.
Arve Håland Norway (accordeon, vocals) is the newest member of the band. Arve leads his own cajun- and zydeco band in Norway, Cajun Gumbo, and released his latest CD « Heit Gumbo » in 1999. Arve is often on tour in Norway and has, as the rest of CAJUN DU NORD, come to know the music through numerous stays in Louisiana. Jørgen Hansen Denmark (vocals, guitar) has a background as a blues musician, and was a member of the first Zydeco Band in Denmark, the Zydecers, that started back in 1981. Besides Cajun du Nord he plays with Captain Crawfish and his Jumping Zydeco. Cajun Du Nord 
Marc & The Boiled Crawfish Switzerland [overleden]
Marc & The Boiled Crawfish are open for both kinds of music, Cajun and Zydeco and even bring these two different cultures together. Their music melts the two styles into a whole without letting individual songs lose their distinctiveness. Cajun classics like «Travailler c’est trop dur», «La porte d’en arrière», «Grand Mamou», «Les tracas de Todd Balfa» or «J’ai passé devant ta porte» are played next to bluesy or smashing Zyceco songs like «My toot toot», «Best kept secret» or «Zydeco Mardi Gras».Even though Marc & The Boiled Crawfish are taking this tradition seriously; they don’t let it restrict their interest and fun in musical experimentation. Thus they are using congas, make their own arrangements and write also their own songs.
Marc & The Boiled Crawfish are cultivating a tradition which belongs to the important basics of the black Zydeco as well as to the white Cajun music. Whether it’s called «Laissez les bon temps rouler» or «Let the good times roll» – the pleasure of playing music, dancing, eating and drinking is the true essence of this music. Let us think of all the songs which are actually recipes: Jambalaya, Gumbo, Boudin, Crawfish etouffée. A concert from Marc & The Boiled Crawfish is a festival of senses. After all, nobody cooks a Jambalaya better than chef Marc Bachmann!

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